Photo of Elie Ferro Spain

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Chronology 1984 Discover the art works as autodidacta.1985 began to study with painter Ann Pabstleben1987 begins studies at the Escuela de Bellas Artes de Buenos Aires1989 Carlos Morel began further training with Anibal Gordillo1990 opened his workshop as a teaching professor teaching classes in painting and drawing and history of arte1991 started studying Bachelor of University of Lomas de Zamora1991 on, travels smoothly...

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Photo of Elie Ferro Spain

Chronology 1984 Discover the art works as autodidacta.1985 began to study with painter Ann Pabstleben1987 begins studies at the Escuela de Bellas Artes de Buenos Aires1989 Carlos Morel began further training with Anibal Gordillo1990 opened his workshop as a teaching professor teaching classes in painting and drawing and history of arte1991 started studying Bachelor of University of Lomas de Zamora1991 on, travels smoothly and critical jury begins arte1992 critical studies artistica1993 hereinafter teaches courses and seminars in Montevideo, Uruguay1996 opens its fine arts workshop at Sea Plata, Buenos Aires1996 is declared illustrious graduate of the College of Commerce Peru1998 Independence printed in the book Young American Artists, published in Paris, gives Francia2001 television2001 ensenianzas in art began as a partner for 2 major publishers Individuales1985 College Exhibitions Indep. Del Peru in honor of the celebration of 50th anniversary of the art room Institucion1987/88/91/95/96/99 Estrada, Buenos Aires1988/89/93/99/02 Columbus Italian Society, Buenos Aires1991/92 Paine Art Gallery. San Telmo, Buenos Aires1992/94 Gallery of Art Fra Angelico. San Telmo, Buenos Aires1993/94 Art Gallery Los Patios. San Telmo, Buenos Aires1993/94/98/02 Social Art Gallery. Quilmes, Buenos Aires1994 Art Gallery of Punta del Este, Astrid Uruguay1995/96/00 Art Gallery, Quilmes, Buenos Aires1995/00 Galeria de Arte El Sol Buenos Aires1996/97/98 Art Gallery La Capital, Mar del Plata, Buenos The Art Gallery Aires1996/99/00 Atlantico, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires1997 Rhoringer Art Gallery, Frankfurt, Alemana1997 TV Channel XIII, Buenos Aires1998 Channel 2, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires1999 Banco de Boston, Buenos Aires1999 Ranelagh Golf Club , Buenos Aires in honor of Roberto DeVicenzo in its 70 anios1999/01 Country Club El Carmen, Buenos Aires2000 Martona Country Club, Buenos Aires2000/02 Country Club in April, Buenos Aires2000/01 Golf Country Club Olivos, Buenos Aires2000/01/03 Club Nautico San Isidro, Buenos Aires2002/03/04 Art Hall Medical Center Quilmes, Buenos Aires Art Gallery 2002/03/04 Bernardez. Montevideo, art room Uruguay2002 Mariano Moreno, Buenos Aires2001/02/03 Costa Salguero Exhibition Center, Buenos Aires 1991 Group as the group of artists Gernika, with whom he repeatedly exposed throughout the province of Buenos Aires.1989 henceforth participate in over 100 different rooms Municipal, provincial and national obtaining important and numerous citations and awards. Salon 1989/90/92/94 Format Pequenioo Italian Society of Buenos Aires1990/91/93/94/97/98/00/01 Annual Salon of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires1992 Salon Latin American Artists, Museum of Modern Art. New York, EEUU1995 Philips Contest for the Future of International Prizes 3rd Prize Art of Painting, Museum of Modern Art. New York, USA 1st Prize in Painting, Homenaje Victor Roverano, Buenos Aires 2nd Prize National Poetry Salon Illustrated, Buenos Aires selection contest the 5th St. Valery, between 5000 American artists, Buenos Aires on the 1st special mention for the future of Philips art

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